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Growing Readers: Toddler Presentation Agenda


I. Intro – Growing Readers project purpose
  • Goal to share the message about the importance of early language and literacy development

  • Develop an awareness of how oral language is critical to learning

  • To share Importance of language at the toddler age:

    • Toddlers are starting to use expressive language (familiar words/simple phrases/use a lot of repetition, etc.)

    • Toddlers will imitate the words they hear so use rich language around toddlers

    • Encourage toddlers to use words to ask for items or in other forms of communication

    • To provide participants with knowledge, suggestions and materials to enhance the language and literacy development of their child


II. Finger plays, songs
  • Discuss progress from receptive to expressive language

  • Explain songs vs finger plays (singing combined with finger/hand movements)


III. Video #1 – Fun with language

*Ask participants to observe what the children are doing in the video and be prepared to share their thoughts after the video



  • some children are following along

  • some children are not, but are still being exposed to the language

  • the children are all at different levels of ability, attention, etc.

  • the adult continues to sing and perform regardless of accuracy of children following along because the children are still learning

  • songs and finger plays include fun language 



  • Ask participants to describe what they saw (you are looking for the bullet points above)

    • Ask participants if they have seen these behaviors in their own child? 

    • Ask participants if they sing to their children? What do they sing? 


Share the key points below about finger plays/songs for toddlers:


  • “Between the ages of 1 and 3, kids respond best to music when they actively experience it. Passive listening (like in the car) is fine, but look for opportunities to get your child rocking, marching, rolling, tapping, clapping, and moving to the beat.”



  • Encourages small and large muscle development

  • Provides an outlet for energy

  • Enhances listening skills

  • Develops skills for following directions

  • Increases oral language skills

  • Engages child’s brain in active learning



**Share samples of finger plays - begin with large motor (wheels on the bus) and work up to fine motor (itsy bitsy spider). 


IV. Book selection: 
  • Appropriate kind of books to read with toddlers: (toddlers love to explore!):

    • limited print, but more than the books for infants

    • bright colors, high interest such as animals

    • interactive (sensory, flip books, etc.)

  • Make your own book from familiar objects

    • Show photo album: personal photos teach vocabulary using familiar people and objects. 

    • Toddlers will make connections between oral language and pictures faster when the pictures are familiar. 

    • Change the pictures as words are learned 


V. Share contents of gift bag


  • Book with CD

  • Texture book (receive either texture book-if younger or flag book if three)

  • Photo album

  • Yellow Everywhere calendar/activity book

  • Read and Rise Book

  • Pamphlets


VI.  Q&A



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